Wildlands Trust

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Introduction: The Next Remarkable Chapter

By Wildlands President Karen Grey

As part of Wildlands Trust’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, we shared the stories of 50 people who have made remarkable contributions to land conservation in Southeastern Massachusetts. We celebrated these individuals because their stories tell our story; with their vision and dedication, Wildlands grew from a conversation around a kitchen table to a dynamic organization serving 55 towns and cities.

However, this story is far from over. As social and environmental forces threaten our regional landscape, the urgency of our work has never been greater. Just as our first 50 years relied on the generosity of remarkable individuals, our future relies on the next wave of conservation champions in our region. Can we count on you to help us write the next chapter of our story?

Please consider a gift to the Wildlands Trust Annual Fund today, so we can save important open lands for tomorrow: wildlandstrust.org/50th-donate

Explore “The Next Remarkable Chapter” series: wildlandstrust.org/anniversary-book