Wildlands Trust

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Another Important Milestone for the Sylvester Field Project

On the evening of Tuesday, May 4, 2021, Hanover Town Meeting unanimously approved a request for $250,000 in Community Preservation Act funds for the Historic Sylvester Field preservation project. The town will use the funds to purchase a permanent Conservation Restriction on the field.  

Wildlands will use the town’s contribution to help fund its purchase of the property from the Estate of Clayton Robinson. We are working toward a closing in July.  

Kudos to Open Space Committee Co-chair Hal Thomas for his outstanding presentation of the project to Town Meeting. Thanks also to Hanover Historical Commission Chair Peter Johnson for his informative presentation evoking the Field’s rich history.  

Situated in Four Corners, one of Hanover’s oldest villages, Sylvester Field is one of Hanover’s most cherished scenic, agricultural and historic resources, and a true community touchstone. The Estate of Clayton Robinson has generously afforded Wildlands and the town the opportunity to preserve the field, and our ongoing preservation effort is an example of how public and private partners can collaborate to achieve substantial conservation outcomes.  

We also want to thank all of the private donors who have supported the project thus far. There’s still an opportunity for new donors to support the project, as we are working to raise the last $60,000 we need to meet our private fundraising target. You can donate to the project at: https://wildlandstrust.networkforgood.com/projects/124001-save-sylvester-field

Thank you!