Davis-Douglas Conservation Area - Plymouth, MA
Walk among the region’s hallmark pine barrens in this interconnected network of Wildlands and town lands.
Six Ponds East Preserve | 80 acres
Emery Preserves (East and West) | 142.66 acres
Davis-Douglas Farm | 10 acres
Davis-Douglas Conservation Area comprises Six Ponds East Preserve, Emery Preserves East and West, Davis-Douglas Farm, and Town of Plymouth conservation land.
Six Ponds East Preserve is a critical link in an existing assemblage of conservation lands in the Six Ponds area. The ample forests on both sides of Long Pond Road and Route 3 are integral to the rural quality that still characterizes much of this area of Plymouth, affording hikers miles of old cart paths and woodland trails. These forests include high-quality pitch pine/scrub oak barrens, a hallmark natural community of the region. The Plymouth/Carver/Wareham barrens rank among the most biologically significant areas of the entire Eastern seaboard.
Emery Preserve West is located on a glacial upland just east of Long Pond and includes several forest types. This land is characterized by rolling topography and dry kettle holes. In the northern section, the trail passes through pitch pine and scrub oak, while along the road there are more mature oak-pine woods. To the south, the land falls away into a fine grove of white pines in various stages of development. Forest floor plants range from delicate pink lady’s slippers, starflowers, and pyrolas to the grotesque cauliflower fungus. Occasionally, a Great Horned Owl is found in the tall white pines, while Black-capped Chickadees, Prairie Warblers, Eastern Towhees, Common Yellowthroats, Hermit Thrushes, Ovenbirds, and other species frequent the northern section. The southern part of the preserve may have once been the site of clay pits and a brick-making operation.
Emery Preserve East is a long, narrow strip of land roughly parallel to Ship Pond Road. Begin your walk here on a footpath from Ship Pond Road. Near its beginning, the path crosses a gradually revegetating former gravel pit and then enters the woods leading east toward Cotton Pond. After a short stretch, the path winds up a hill, part of the Ellisville Moraine, to the north. Some of the pitch pine and scrub oak vegetation to the north probably qualifies as pine barrens, but a scattering of red maple, gray birch, and aspen appear as the path makes a steep descent. After the trail climbs and falls again, Cotton Pond lies immediately ahead. In years when the water level is high, the edge of the pond floods the bushes, and no pond shore plants can be seen. In other years, a shrub layer of huckleberry appears in some places, while sweet pepperbush, noticeably fragrant in late July and early August, predominates in others. High-bush blueberry bushes are numerous on the shore, and inkberry, whose smooth green leaves lend life to the winter landscape, is also abundant.
Davis-Douglas Farm has been our headquarters since late 2014. A beloved scenic landmark along Long Pond Road, this small farm lies across the street from the aforementioned 230 acres of conservation lands. It is a center for connecting people to the land, providing a place for people to engage in conservation-related activities and programs, participate in community gardens, and easily access hundreds of acres of conservation land and trails in the Long Pond area.
In Six Ponds East and Emery West Preserves, the terrain is generally hilly, with some long and steep trails. The ground is mostly clear of rocks and roots, and there are no water crossings, bog boards, or boardwalks. In Emery Preserve East, meanwhile, cut-in steps and a handrail assist visitors on the steepest parts of the trail.
The local Six Ponds community has been instrumental in helping us protect much of this area of Plymouth. See HISTORY for a full acquisition timeline.

1973: Emery Preserves East and West donated to Wildlands Trust. The following families and individuals made these preserves possible: Mary B. Emery, Arthur H. Emery, Edward S. Emery, III, Richard B. Emery, Mary Charlotte (Emery) Russell, H. Shippen, and Lydia Goodhue.
2001: Six Ponds East Preserve, previously under a Chapter 61 Forest Management Plan, acquired by Wildlands Trust through the generosity of the Six Ponds Community.
2010: Town of Plymouth acquires conservation land between Six Ponds East Preserve and Emery West Preserve with the assistance of Wildlands Trust.
2012: Davis-Douglas Farm purchased through the generosity of the community and funds from public and private sources.
Long Pond Road and Ship Pond Road, Plymouth, MA
From Route 3: Take Exit 7 (old Exit 3) and head southwest on Clark Road. Turn left at intersection onto Long Pond Road. Turn sharp left onto Ship Pond Road. Travel ¼ mile to trailhead on left.
Parking is available at Davis-Douglas Farm and on Ship Pond Road. See trail map for parking lot locations.