Stephen C.L. Delano Memorial Forest - Rochester, MA
Step back in time as you wander among a historic forest that helps keep Rochester’s rural character alive.
Stephen C.L. Delano Memorial Forest is located in the east-central portion of the town of Rochester. Like many other towns in Southeastern Massachusetts, Rochester is experiencing ever-expanding development that threatens the rural landscape and biodiversity of this beautiful town. Farming once permeated the town’s identity, as evidenced by old farms and stone walls dotting the landscape. Although farming is still a way of life for many, cranberry bogs account for an increasing proportion of the town’s agricultural industry. Rochester maintains its rural character today through scenic vistas of wide open spaces, along with meadows, woodlands, old cart paths, cranberry bogs, ponds, and farmlands.
A memorial stone placed near a path in the northeast sector of this forest bears the inscription, “Stephen C. L. Delano, 1911-1983. This woodland was his.” Open cart paths and a gentle terrain make this an enjoyable preserve for a walk, especially for family outings. A two-mile loop trail wanders through the uplands and travels along the Sippican River, passing several interesting woodland swamps, which are also vernal pools. These shallow depressions support red maples, highbush blueberries, ferns, swamp azaleas, and a variety of other species.
Although there are currently no trails that lead to the Sippican River, side trails afford views of the river, and during dry seasons, you can walk to the river’s edge. The uplands are forested with white pines and the occasional beech, oak, or holly. The forest floor is thick with young pine saplings. Near the river, the forest quickly transitions to mixed hardwoods. You will also find beech, black gum, yellow birch, witch hazel, American holly, sassafras, and winterberry here.
At the end of your walk, continue on Mary’s Pond Road for a visit to the historic East Over Reservation.
Small hills span the forest. While there is no water crossing, exposed roots along the trails demand great care as you walk.
Donated to Wildlands Trust in 1985 by Sarah R. Delano.

This 110-acre property served as a woodlot for the Delano family from 1850 to 1985, at which time it was gifted to Wildlands Trust. Two large forest harvests, one in 1965 and the other in 1970, produced 70,000 board feet of white pine and mixed oak. Since then, the pine-oak forest has regenerated.
Mary’s Pond Road, northeast of Rochester Center, at intersection with Walnut Plain Road
From Route 58: (If traveling down 495 S, take Exit 2 and then merge onto Rout 58 S) Follow Route 58 S until end. Continue straight onto County Road. Turn right onto Marys Pond Road. Parking and trailhead is roughly 2.4 miles down the road on the left.
There is limited off-pavement parking on Mary’s Pond Road.