Donate to Wildlands Trust

Preserve the landscapes that make
Southeastern Massachusetts special


Wildlands Trust relies on the support of generous individuals in the communities we serve who share our vision for clean air and water, abundant outdoor recreation, and vibrant farms, forests, and coasts.

Your tax-deductible donation to the Wildlands Trust Annual Fund means you are helping permanently impact the environmental health of Southeastern Massachusetts.

The Annual Fund provides donors the ability to stretch and diversify their donation through a single gift that supports activities undertaken by Wildlands to make our region a special place to live.

Why is our area so special? Located within driving distance of Boston, the towns that make up Southeastern Massachusetts have ample clean water, plentiful open land, beautiful vistas, productive farms, inspiring places to recreate, and residents who care about the natural world. Sustaining and building upon the region’s environmental health and beauty is the core purpose of the Annual Fund.

Your contributions support projects that:

  • Protect natural resources

  • Save undeveloped land

  • Re-establish farmland

  • Continue the management of protected land and established trail systems

  • Educate teens by offering them opportunities to serve their communities

Painting of tall stone water tower at Davis-Douglas Farm

We appreciate your support! 


Other Ways to Give

Wildlands Trust accepts a wide range of options to provide flexibility for those willing to financially support our critical work in Southeastern Massachusetts.

Stock - Donating stock directly to Wildlands stock management company, Schwab, you can avoid capital gains taxes and provide Wildlands with the full amount—and you can maintain a fair market value tax deduction. View instructions here.

IRA Distribution - Consult your financial advisor to make sure you qualify for this opportunity.

Employer Match - Speak with your employer to learn more about opportunities to match your financial giving and volunteering. 

Donor-Advised Fund - Donor-advised funds (DAFs) are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the United States because they are one of the easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to give to charity.  

For more information and questions, contact:

Kyla Isakson
Membership and Digital Media Coordinator
774-343-5121 x102

Wildlands Trust is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization
Tax ID # 04-2973205

There are many other ways to support Wildlands Trust!