Tucker Preserve

Human History of Wildlands: Tucker Preserve and the Indian Head River Trail

The Indian Head River in Hanover. To the left: the Waterman Tack Factory and breached dam. To the right: Tucker Preserve. Photo by Rob MacDonald. 

By Skip Stuck and Rob MacDonald

It's a cliché that a picture is worth a thousand words. In the last installment of the “Human History of Wildlands” series on Stewart/Person Preserve in Kingston, I was disappointed that despite a great deal of written information, I could find few pictures to illustrate the changes that people brought to the property. In this installment, pictures will help tell a story that words alone could not.  

Wildland Trust's Tucker Preserve consists of 78 acres of forested hills and riverside in Pembroke, part of the larger, 325-acre Indian Head River Trail (IHRT) extending into Hanson and Hanover, as well. It lies very close to Wildlands' Willow Brook Farm.  

Known as the Wampanoag Canoe Passage, the Indian Head and North Rivers connecting with the Taunton River watershed and eventually Narraganset Bay was a 70-mile super-highway used by native peoples for thousands of years. As a result, Tucker Preserve shares much of its pre-colonial history with Willow Brook Farm. 

As Europeans arrived in the 1600s, they quickly realized the value of these rivers, not only for transportation and trade, but as a source of energy to propel burgeoning industry. Here lies the main reason why these scenes... 

Photos by Rob MacDonald.

...became these scenes:  

The story begins with the first mention of the property in 1632, when the Massachusetts Bay Colony governor, John Winthrop, crossed the Indian Head River at Ludden's Ford (also known as Luddam's Ford, now the site of the Elm Street bridge). 

Initially, settlers farmed the land. Although it was good for livestock grazing, much of it was too rocky to produce grains and vegetables. So, they relied on the river for its abundant runs of fish (including alewives and shad for food and fertilizer) and on the surrounding forests for fuel and building materials. 

Plaque at Luddam’s Ford. Photo by Rob MacDonald. 

The river soon drew the settlers’ attention as a power source, with the first mention of a water-powered sawmill in 1693. Thus it began. In the 18th and 19th centuries, unlike at neighboring Willow Brook Farm, people in the Tucker Preserve area looked not to agriculture but to industry, on a scale that dramatically and irrevocably altered the landscape. The saw and grist mills were joined by an iron furnace in 1702, Smith's fulling mill (to clean and thicken wool fiber) in 1726, the Waterman and Perry tack factories in 1830, and others.  

In the late 18th century, the Curtis Iron Works grew as well, supplying the needs of farming and shipbuilding. A local story relates that the factory produced the anchors for the USS Constitution. However, a factory in Hanover makes the same claim, neither town ceding the honor. By the 19th century, industry was fully in control of the area, with the Clapp Rubber Works a major employer, followed later by National Fireworks. Soon, these industries became busy enough to warrant a railroad connection known as the Hanover Branch Railway. The woods were thus transformed into a significant industrial area. 

Hanover Branch Railway. The Indian Head River Trail runs along the same rail bed today.  The building on the right is the Waterman Tack Factory, and the pond was formed by the dam behind Waterman, which breached in the 1938 hurricane.

So much industry sharing such a small area for two centuries came with inevitable consequences. By the early 1900s, industry in the area peaked. Afterwards, factories were closed, abandoned, and razed, and dams were breached and removed. The area returned to woodlands. Crumbling, overgrown foundations are still visible today as a reminder of the land’s industrial past. Less visible, yet even longer lasting, is the pollution remaining in the area’s soils, especially at the river bottom. Each successive industry thus left its signature on the landscape. In the 1980s, the area surrounding and downstream of the fireworks factory was identified as a potential Superfund site, and a major concern for mercury pollution. 

Dam at State Street, prioritized for removal by the North and South Rivers Watershed Association’s Indian Head River Restoration Project. Photo by Rob MacDonald. 

The good news is that federal, state, and local stakeholders have come together to start reversing the damage. In 1993, Sidney and Harold M. Tucker donated the Tucker Preserve property to Wildlands Trust. Together with groups like the North and South River Watershed Association, the Mattakeeset Massachuset (also known as Massachuseuk) tribe, and state and federal agencies, Wildlands helped form the Indian Head River Coalition, which created the Indian Head River Trail, a 6-mile trail network through the attractive woodlands and river you see today. 

In June 2021, another coalition working to improve the Indian Head River area, the Fireworks Site Joint Defense Group, presented its report to the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, outlining their recommendations for remediation planning. Discussions are ongoing. 

Future work notwithstanding, Tucker Preserve and the IHRT now present a reasonable facsimile of its pre-industrial beauty. As you can see, however, a quick look back in time reveals a more complicated history. Without the foresight, generosity, and collaboration of concerned individuals and groups, this serene and stunning landscape could have looked very different. Figuratively and literally, its alternative outcome lies just below the surface. 

Photo by Rob MacDonald. 

Learn more 

To learn more, visit the Tucker Preserve property description here, or visit the preserve yourself. 

Also, stay informed on the Indian Head River recovery efforts via the North and South Rivers Watershed Association website: 

Please also view the Town of Hanover and Pembroke Historical Society websites: 

Thanks to Rob MacDonald for many of the photographs used in this piece. To see more, visit his photography website here

Indian Head River Coalition Completes Work on Multi-town Hiking Trail Loop

By Amy Markarian, Senior Copywriter

Read Time: 2 min

The Indian Head River Trail, a popular recreational trail system spanning the towns of Hanover, Hanson, and Pembroke, just received a 3-year makeover and it's ready for spring hiking season! The latest improvements welcome new and returning visitors with an enhanced trail experience for all.

In 2017, a group of landholding entities—the Pembroke, Hanover, and Hanson Conservation Commissions, Plymouth County, North and South River Watershed Association, and Wildlands Trust—formed the Indian Head River Trail Coalition (IHRTC) to preserve the historic and natural qualities of the Indian Head River and its surrounding lands, while also encouraging passive recreation in and around the river.

In 2018, the coalition was awarded a 3-year Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Recreational Trails Program grant to expand and improve the Indian Head River trail system. Following completion of this work in late 2021, the area currently boasts six continuous miles of trail, connecting 325 acres of conservation land along the river. The neighboring trail systems of Wildlands Trust’s Tucker Preserve and Hanover’s Iron Mine Brook are now linked with the Indian Head River Trail, offering one complete loop incorporating the various conservation properties around the river.

The DCR funding supported both trail blazing and maintenance of existing trails to create the loop. In addition, it allowed for the installation of several new features, including: map holders and trail markers to improve navigability; signage providing ecological and historical information; 800 feet of “bog board” walkways over areas of trail deterioration; benches at scenic viewpoints; informational kiosks to welcome visitors at several entrances to the trail; and printed trail maps reflecting the newest changes to the expansive trail system.

In conjunction with the Indian Head River Trail Coalition, local volunteers provided critical assistance throughout the project. Led by Wildlands Trust’s director of stewardship Erik Boyer, volunteers from The Town of Hanover, Wildlands Trust, REI, the New England Mountain Bike Association (NEMBA), and a Hanover boy scout troop assisted with trail clean up, installation of trail enhancements, ongoing trail monitoring (through Wildlands’ Adopt-a-Preserve program), and guided hikes to introduce new visitors to the trail system. Assistance with historical content pertaining to the Mattakeeset Tribe was provided by Dr. Larry Fisher.

Volunteers Cleanup Pembroke, Hanover, Hanson Preserves

Photos provided by Rob MacDonald

On April 24, volunteers led by members of the Indian Head River Coalition banded together to remove trash along the banks of the Indian Head River, Rocky Run, and North River, as well as from the conservation properties they run through.

Volunteers initially met at Luddam’s Ford Park (Hanover) prior to breaking out into groups that would focus on five locations selected at conservation lands in Hanson, Hanover and Pembroke. Volunteers in Hanson cleaned along State Street and Rocky Run, with a notable find being an old TV they pulled out of the river. Three locations were selected in Hanover for groups to canvass, including Water Street, the Luddam’s Ford Park parking lot and Chapman’s Landing. In Pembroke, volunteers cleaned-up Luddam’s Ford Park (Pembroke) and Tucker Preserve

In total, 25 bags of trash were removed from these areas. Items collected included everything from bottles, cans, mylar balloons, furniture cushions, and even a steel oil tank! Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and spent the day with the Coalition in order to help keep the river system clean and healthy.

About the Indian Head River Coalition

The Indian Head River Coalition was created in 2017 for the purpose of preserving the historic and natural qualities of the contiguous conservation lands along the Indian Head River and engage the general public in taking advantage of passive recreational opportunities on these properties. The Coalition is composed of Wildlands Trust, the North and South Rivers Watershed Association, and the towns of Hanover, Hanson and Pembroke. In 2018, the group obtained a Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant to provide trail maintenance, trail markings, amenity improvements, and new kiosks and interpretive signage along the 6-mile trail corridor that runs through and connects each property.

Indian Head River Trail Enhancements Continue Thanks to the Efforts of Many

Following centuries of changes along the Indian Head River, the towns of Pembroke, Hanson and Hanover work together with Wildlands Trust to improve the surrounding trail system with a MassTrails Program grant.

Volunteer Spotlight: Rob MacDonald

When and how did you first learn about Wildlands Trust? 

I believe I first learned about Wildlands Trust through the Willow Brook Preserve in Pembroke.   It’s pretty close to my house and one day, while driving down Route 14, I spotted the entrance.  Eventually I stopped by and explored it with a walk through the property. 

How did you discover the Adopt-A-Preserve (AAP) program?

We [Rob and his wife] had been members of Wildlands Trust before the AAP program existed and had been involved with volunteer work at Wildlands through some of your workdays. Eventually I heard about the AAP program from someone I knew who was working at [Wildlands]. They informed me that Erik [Boyer] was looking for volunteer help with the AAP program. 

Rob MacDonald (far right) poses with other volunteers at Brockton Nature Festival.

Rob MacDonald (far right) poses with other volunteers at Brockton Nature Festival.

How many years have you been a part of AAP? 

Well, I was first involved with Wildlands Trust in about 1999 when I participated in a corporate workday at Willow Brook Preserve. This was an organized community service event with Bank Boston employees where we burned brush and removed invasive species to clear out the meadow habitat near the beginning of the trail system. Once AAP was created in 2014 and I heard about it, I joined shortly thereafter. 

What Wildlands properties have you “adopted”? 

Striar Conservancy in Halifax and Tucker Preserve/the Indian Head River loop, which goes through Pembroke, Hanson, Hanover, Plymouth County land, and private property. 

What is your favorite thing to do while out on monitoring visits? 

Photography. I am always looking for shots of birds while on my monitoring visits. And then, during the spring when vernal pools are active, I like to look for amphibians to photograph. Typically, I bring out a long-lens camera for pictures of birds and a macro-lens for taking close-up pictures of fungi and amphibians. 

What are some highlights for you along the Indian Head River Trail (IHRT) loop? 

The bluff in Tucker preserve where the trail cuts through a hemlock grove opposite of the tack factory along the river is a nice section of trail. I also really like the babbling stream you encounter towards the back side of Tucker. It’s one of several spots that remind me of New Hampshire. I also really like the section of trail that cuts through Rocky Run, which is beautiful town of Hanson conservation land. 

What have been your favorite wildlife sightings at Striar and Tucker? 

River otter, which I’ve encountered at both Tucker and Striar. I recently saw one at Tucker, along the Indian Head River, soon upon entering Tucker from Pembroke Conservation land. The otter was resting on the ice on the river, eating a fish that it had caught. 

When I saw an otter at Striar, I was looking out at a bend in the Winnetuxet River. I heard a bark and the otter slipped into the river behind me. I suspect it was voicing a warning signal to another otter somewhere in front of me. In terms of exciting bird sightings, I‘ve seen a wide variety of birds including barred owls, yellow cuckoos, ovenbirds, wood ducks and a palm warbler at Striar.

What is the most memorable experience you have had while at a Wildlands property? 

At Striar, I have done vernal pool walks where participants come out at night to explore what they can find in the pools. Kids and adults alike get extremely excited about the chance to dip their hands into the pools to see what they find. Many people would not normally go on hikes at night on their own so the opportunity is unique and exciting for that reason too. 

What is your favorite thing about AAP? 

The monitoring visits present you with an opportunity to pay greater attention to the place you are in. I definitely focus more on the details of the surroundings than I would on a hike. My responsibilities as an AAP member makes me much more attentive while out on a preserve. }

What is it like being a part of the volunteer hike leader program?

On several occasions, people have come to one of these Wildlands Trust hikes and mention that they were sometimes hesitant to go out and hike in the woods alone. These organized group hikes gave them the opportunity to get out in a group atmosphere and enjoy exploring the varied Wildlands Trust preserves. So being part of a program that affords these folks, who might no otherwise get out into the woods, is pretty nice. 

Are there any nature preserves in the region that you like to visit outside of the ones you adopt? 

Burrage Pond Wildlife Management Area, a 1,638 acre MassWildlife-managed preserve that stretches through Hanson and Halifax is my favorite. The preserve is a habitat for beavers, otters, and many different species of birds. Burrage Pond’s landscape includes dormant cranberry bogs. Some of these ex-cranberry bog areas have remained open to develop into grassland habitats and others have been flooded to allow for habitat for aquatic birds. The management area also includes an interesting floodplain habitat along Stump Brook River that supports Atlantic white cedar and eastern hemlock trees. 

I know you have visited for these trails for many years. Have you seen the area change over the years?

I’ve been walking the trails along the Indian Head River for at least 25 years. As for changes, the Hanover section of trail has become more formalized is now a well-marked trail. Also, on the western section of the trail loop, where you cross the bridge on State Street in Hanson, the trail used to be difficult to find because it was completely unmarked. That entrance has now been opened up and is much easier to find. Overall, the trail system has become more formalized and clearer while maintaining the same peaceful and wild feeling I got hiking these trails 25 years ago.  

As a resident of Hanson, how do you think the community can benefit from a natural resource like the Indian Head River Trail? 

The Indian Head River trail system presents Hanson community members with a beautiful hike along the Indian Head River through Rocky Run Conservation Area, a showcase example of protected, natural, town of Hanson conservation land.