Cow Tent Hill Preserve - Duxbury, MA
Retrace natural and human history at the meeting place of hilly wooded uplands and secluded tidal marshes.
Bordering both sides of Duck Hill River in the Millbrook section of Duxbury, Cow Tent Hill Preserve offers secluded tidal marshes and hilly wooded uplands. It is especially pleasant to walk here in summer, when breezes from the nearby bay cool the beautiful white pine forest.
Follow the trail clockwise as it gently descends to the edge of Duck Hill River. From river’s edge, look for Red-winged Blackbirds and Marsh Wrens among the reeds and grasses. The trail rises and falls over a series of knolls as it ascends to the crest of Cow Tent Hill, then loops back to the preserve’s entrance. Remain on the trail, as poison ivy is abundant in the forest.
Across Duck Hill River, which flows into Duxbury Bay, pine and hardwood forests and serene marshes comprise the northern section of the preserve. From the river side of the trail loop, take in views across Duxbury Marsh, a large area of salt marsh and tidal streams at the head of the bay. This first segment of the trail between the parking area and the river’s edge is barrier-free and offers a bench for visitors to take a rest and enjoy nature.
On the southern stretch of the trail, steep and sometimes slippery trails require caution while hiking. On the northern stretch, the terrain is relatively level. The gravel path leading down to the river, however, is very steep (greater than 8 percent grade). The trail is generally clear of rocks and exposed roots.
By bequest of Bernice Bumpus in 1999.

This 31.75-acre parcel was once part of a small village on the river. It was the site of the first gristmill in Duxbury (established in 1640), and later of a textile mill that produced sailcloth during the War of 1812.
At one time, most of the preserve was open field. Cedar posts and wire fencing are reminders that much of the preserve was once pasture land. The preserve’s name is from the 19th-century practice of setting up canvas to shade grazing cows.
In Pilgrim days, the river was called Stoney Brook. In the 17th century, it became Mill Brook. Eventually, it acquired the name Duck Hill River.
1265 Tremont Street, Duxbury, MA
From Route 3: Take Exit 22 (old Exit 11). Turn right onto Route 14 East toward Duxbury. Bear right to stay on Route 14. At lights, turn left on Route 3A North.
Preserve is just ahead on right.
Parking area off Route 3A.