Great Neck Conservation Area - Wareham, MA
Recount human, natural, and geological history among the salt marshes, cranberry bogs, and glacial formations of this 104-acre area.
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Jack’s Marsh | 25.4 acres
Minot-Weld Conservancy | 53 acres
Mink Cove-Elkins Reservation | 25.6 acres
These contiguous properties offer a walk through varied coastal habitats. Begin your visit at Jack’s Marsh, where the trail leads past a saltwater marsh, an abandoned cranberry bog, and the shores of Swan Pond to the Minot-Weld Conservancy. There, a path travels through the pinelands that dominate the preserve. Look for a kettle pond where common cattails, fragrant waterlilies, and wild cranberries grow. To the southeast, young pitch pines surround Griffith Bog, which was cultivated as a cranberry bog in the early 20th century and is now reverting to a white cedar swamp. A fine stand of mixed pine and oak forest marches up the slopes of Bourne Hill in the western portion of the preserve. Bourne Hill, viewed from above or on a map, reveals the teardrop shape of a drumlin—a smooth hill formed thousands of years ago beneath retreating glaciers.
The trail leads across Philip Saltonstall-Weld Memorial Forest, owned by the New England Forestry Foundation. Follow the loop trail to Mink Cove-Elkins Reservation. This coastal preserve is a delight for birders and naturalists, with its dramatic views of Mink Cove. Watch for wintergreen, sheep laurel, bearberry, and mountain laurel. Mayflower, a prominent heath, blooms here in late spring; its small white or pink blossoms scent the air with subtle fragrance. At the salt marsh and mud flats on the edge on Mink Cove, you may see Ospreys, Snowy Egrets, Great Egrets, Green Herons, Great Blue Herons, and Saltmarsh Sparrows. The return of the Osprey is an eagerly awaited event each spring.
Expect substantially hilly terrain. The trails are mostly clear of roots and rocks.
Jack’s Marsh: John W. Peirce, 1986
Minot: Grace Minot Peirce and John Wylde to The Nature Conservancy, 1968. Later transferred to Wildlands Trust as Minot Conservancy (42 acres), 1975
Weld: Indian Neck Associates (11 acres), 1981
Mink Cove-Elkins Reservation: Grace Minot Peirce (9 acres), 1976; Dr. William L. Elkins (16.6 acres), 1979, 1980

John W. Peirce, a founding director of Wildlands Trust, was the mastermind behind the acquisition of Great Neck Conservation Area and other properties in Wareham. His long-range vision and careful planning facilitated a number of important conservation successes. He and his wife donated several key parcels in the Conservation Area.
South of Crooked River Road and Great Neck Road, Wareham, MA
From I-495 S: Follow interstate to end and continue onto MA-25 E. Take exit 3 toward US-6/MA-28/Onset/Wareham. Merge onto Maple Springs Road. Continue straight onto MA-28 S. Turn right onto Depot Street. Continue onto Great Neck Road for roughly 1.2 miles then take sharp right onto Crooked River Road. Parking about 0.5 mile down the road on the left.
The parking area is located at the Wildlands Trust sign on the south side of the Crooked River Road. Street parking is also available.