Rounseville II Preserve - Rochester, MA
Traverse wetlands and woodlands on this simple loop trail in the heart of Rochester.
A loop trail follows wide cart paths through an upland forest of white pines and provides a walk of about a half-hour on mostly level terrain (although the preserve includes rolling hills). The trail enters pine-oak woodlands from the ball fields. Watch for a bog on your left, much of which is within the property. The bog drains across the preserve into Doggett’s Brook. The trail then crosses this drainage area as it ascends gradually up a hill. Near the base of the hill on the left, you will see a vernal pool.
The trail curves around to the right and parallels Sherman Brook, the northern boundary of the preserve. Continue through an upland that includes a few pitch pines, and then through a wetland created by Doggett’s Brook and the drainage from the bog. The wetland area is filled with sweet pepperbush, whose tall clusters of small white flowers release a wonderful fragrance in late July and early August. The trail continues briefly uphill into an area dominated by white pines before closing the loop near the property’s entrance.
The Rounseville property is almost completely wooded, consisting of a mixed forest. Although the predominant species on this property is white pine, several stands of hemlock trees and several isolated American holly trees also grow here.
The terrain is characterized by small hills. While there is no water crossing on the trail, please watch your step, as exposed roots cross the path throughout, and narrow, potentially wet bog boards line one section of the trail.
Donated to Wildlands Trust in 1994 by Winifred Rounseville, in memory of her sons, Ralph “Mike” Rounseville Jr. and Alden Rounseville.

Located at Rochester Center, this once-active farm was passed down through generations of the Rounseville family. The property was originally owned by Andrew Fearing and then transferred to his daughter, Catherine Fearing Rounseville, who grew up on the family homestead. She, in turn, passed the property on to her son, Ralph Lloyd Rounseville, who transferred it to his wife, Winifred Rounseville. This much-loved preserve is protected in perpetuity through her generosity. Winifred's son, Lincoln, carried out his mother's wishes that this property be preserved in its natural state as conservation land.
On west side of Marys Pond Road, Rochester, MA
Route 195 to Exit 20. Travel north on Route 105 into Rochester Center. Turn right onto Marys Pond Road, and immediately left into ball fields. Trail head is in back corner of field, straight ahead from entrance. Google Map Directions here
There is a parking area off the road at the Gifford Park ball fields.