Shifting Lots Preserve - Plymouth, MA
Take a beachside stroll while exploring the biodiverse and sensitive salt marsh ecosystems along Cape Cod Bay.
This preserve encompasses the southern portion of Ellisville Harbor, including a salt marsh estuary. Salt marshes are commonly known to be the most productive ecosystems on earth. They provide essential nursery grounds for numerous fish species. Preserving the quality of the salt marsh helps to protect a web of interconnected species. Shifting Lots Preserve is also home to sand dunes and a migrating barrier beach, which help to protect adjacent uplands from severe storm surges. The dunes are fragile, changing systems that must be preserved in order for them to fulfill this protective function. The barrier beach also provides crucial nesting and foraging habitat for migrating shorebirds, including the federally threatened Piping Plover and several species of terns.
The pooled area of water you see between the main beach and the barrier beach was formerly the outflow from the marsh. This channel was created during the “Perfect Storm” of 1991, when sand blocked the mouth of the existing channel. Over the next 12 years, this barrier gradually grew, extending the length of the channel and ultimately causing erosion to private property. In November of 2003, a private party secured the permits necessary to reopen the channel directly to the bay and block the circuitous route. Since then, the barrier has continued to evolve with each passing storm. Ultimately, it is expected to migrate toward land.
There are no formal trails at Shifting Lots. We ask that you remain on the existing path through the dunes while walking to the beach to minimize damage to sensitive grasses.
While the terrain is generally flat, loose sand and rocks can make for a challenging hike. Come prepared with water and appropriate footwear!
Donated to Wildlands Trust in 2003 by Elin Danielson, Ruth Lapham, Albert & Laura Marsh, and Donald P. Quinn.

In spite of the fact that the property has always been privately owned, visitors frequented the property in the 1990s in ever-increasing numbers, many in motor vehicles. The long-standing owners of the property realized that the best way to achieve multiple goals was to work with a conservation organization for the perpetual protection and management of the area as a nature preserve. Wildlands Trust restricted vehicular access to the property and created the preserve in 2003.
Salt Marsh Lane (off Route 3A)
From Route 3: Take Exit 3 (old Exit 2) and head east to the stop sign at Route 3A. Turn left and go about 2 miles to Ellisville Road. Continue to Salt Marsh Lane (gravel) on the right. Drive down Salt Marsh Lane to property on left before hill.
Parking is available at the Preserve September 15 through May 15. During the summer months when parking lot is closed, vehicles may drop off passengers at the gate and park at neighboring Ellisville Harbor State Park.