South Triangle Pond Conservation Area - Plymouth, MA
Explore central Plymouth’s coastal plain ponds, a globally significant ecosystem nestled along the South Shore.
Barnes-Jenkins Hole Wood Lot | 4.1 acres
Herbert W. Bartlett Preserve | 40.1 acres
Phillips Preserve | 3.5 acres
A short drive down a shaded country road leads to South Triangle Pond Conservation Area, 47 acres of quiet woodlands and tranquil pond shores. Here, you’ll be close to one of the most ecologically significant habitats in the world—coastal plain ponds. The preserves, which lie between South Triangle Pond and Great South Pond, are part of an even larger conservation area that protects the high concentration of coastal plain ponds located in this section of central Plymouth.
From the parking area, you may walk a short distance to the shores of South Triangle Pond, a kettle pond. Trails from the opposite side of the road lead into a forest of Eastern white pines, with an understory of huckleberry and low-bush blueberry. Canada mayflower grows in the acidic soil created by the pine needles. Look for the red berries of the wintergreen, which persist through winter. Near the ponds, the pine forest changes into a more open woodland of oak, white pine, and occasional pitch pine. Sweet pepperbush grows tall in the understory, its blooms perfuming the air in mid-summer.
The terrain is moderately hilly throughout. Watch your step over exposed roots and rocks along the trails.
Phillips Preserve: Donated to Wildlands Trust in 1989 by Ethel P. Phillips.
Barnes-Jenkins Hole Wood Lot: Donated to Wildlands Trust in 1990 by Ruth Spooner Belcher.
Herbert W. Bartlett Preserve: Donated to Wildlands Trust in 1991 by Doris E. McNeill.

The forested upland is characterized by small hills and steep-sided hollows, formed when sand and gravel were deposited by meltwater from receding glaciers over 14,000 years ago.
Guidelines for Preserve Visitors During Hunting Season:
On preserves where hunting is permitted, visitors should wear bright orange or red clothing.
Check the Preserve webpage to see if hunting is permitted on the preserve during regulated hunting season in Massachusetts.
Safety is the highest concern for all visitors and pets during hunting season.
Hike on marked trails only.
Dogs should always be leashed.
Avoid trails along preserve boundaries since abutting land may allow hunting.
Stay informed on hunting season and visit Mass Wildlife website here.
Drew Road, Plymouth, MA
(Google Map directions are not accurate. Use directions below for parking and entrance.)
From Route 3: Take Exit 13 (old Exit 5), travel south on Long Pond Road past Plymouth Community Intermediate School. Turn right onto Drew Road (dirt), past sign for Town Forest. Parking area on the right.
After power lines, parking area is on right. You may enter trails from either side of the road.