Community Stewardship Program
Let us help you manage your conservation lands
Staffing constraints often mean that town and conservation groups may never fully benefit from the investments they have made in open space protection; management plans are not established, new trails are never built and older trail systems and amenities are not properly maintained. As more open space is protected throughout the region, it is important to implement proper care for these conservation lands and, when appropriate, establish access for safe public use and enjoyment.
Wildlands Trust's Community Stewardship Program can help provide reliable and affordable on-the-ground land stewardship support for towns, private land owners, and other non-profits that lack designated stewardship staff and expertise.
Let us assist you with:
Property management plans
Open space plans
Habitat restoration planning
Grant application preparation
Trail design and construction
Trail maintenance/stewardship
Amenity planning and construction (kiosks, benches, signage, parking areas)
Custom trail map design and interactive applications
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) services
Natural resource and wildlife inventories
Baseline documentation reports
Vernal pool certification and wetland delineations
Invasive species management
Volunteer recruitment and supervision
Recent Projects

To find out more about how the Community Stewardship Program
can help your group meet its conservation goals, contact:
Owen Grey
Stewardship Manager
774-343-5121 x105