Wildlands Trust

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The Gift That Keeps on Giving . . .

Our new website, aside from being beautifully streamlined and user friendly, also offers the opportunity for you to donate with a recurring automatic gift.  We received many requests from donors and were unable to offer that feature with our old website. 

Now, through Network For Good, users can enter a credit card, choose the amount and frequency of their gift, and a donation will be made to the Wildlands Trust automatically.  Users can change or stop their donation at any time, choosing “edit a recurring donation” in the top right corner of the donation page. 

We are excited to offer this convenience because we know it makes it much easier to budget and who doesn’t love getting fewer appeals in the mail?  A small gift, even $5 or $10, goes a long way in providing a steady stream of funding to protect the land you love.

We would love your feedback on our new donation page.  Please email ddisabel@wildlandstrust.org to let her know what you think.

Thank you for supporting land protection!