Land Protection

Volunteers Cleanup Pembroke, Hanover, Hanson Preserves

Photos provided by Rob MacDonald

On April 24, volunteers led by members of the Indian Head River Coalition banded together to remove trash along the banks of the Indian Head River, Rocky Run, and North River, as well as from the conservation properties they run through.

Volunteers initially met at Luddam’s Ford Park (Hanover) prior to breaking out into groups that would focus on five locations selected at conservation lands in Hanson, Hanover and Pembroke. Volunteers in Hanson cleaned along State Street and Rocky Run, with a notable find being an old TV they pulled out of the river. Three locations were selected in Hanover for groups to canvass, including Water Street, the Luddam’s Ford Park parking lot and Chapman’s Landing. In Pembroke, volunteers cleaned-up Luddam’s Ford Park (Pembroke) and Tucker Preserve

In total, 25 bags of trash were removed from these areas. Items collected included everything from bottles, cans, mylar balloons, furniture cushions, and even a steel oil tank! Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and spent the day with the Coalition in order to help keep the river system clean and healthy.

About the Indian Head River Coalition

The Indian Head River Coalition was created in 2017 for the purpose of preserving the historic and natural qualities of the contiguous conservation lands along the Indian Head River and engage the general public in taking advantage of passive recreational opportunities on these properties. The Coalition is composed of Wildlands Trust, the North and South Rivers Watershed Association, and the towns of Hanover, Hanson and Pembroke. In 2018, the group obtained a Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant to provide trail maintenance, trail markings, amenity improvements, and new kiosks and interpretive signage along the 6-mile trail corridor that runs through and connects each property.

Annual Fencing Goes up at Shifting Lots


Erik Boyer installing this year’s fencing and signage along the dunes.

In preparation for the expected uptick in visitation at Shifting Lots Preserve, Stewardship Manager Erik Boyer and Wildlands volunteer and board member Marilynn Atterbury spent a day out on the property this past week installing temporary fencing along the dunes. This work is done in tandem with the Friends of Ellisville Marsh, who install fencing along the front portion of the property in order to protect the nesting sites of piping plovers and least turns.

Piping plover eggs in the sand.

In addition to creating space around the nesting sites to prevent scaring the birds away, the fencing also helps visitors avoid accidentally stepping on their eggs when walking along the shore. Just as we ask visitors to stay on trail at our wooded preserves, we ask that if you visit the property, please be mindful that this area is an important habitat for the survival of these creatures and keep out of the fenced-off areas. As in past years, this fencing will remain up until October.

 If you’d like to learn more about threatened shorebirds at Shifting Lots and Cape Cod, you can check out the recording of our recent Zoom presentation on our website:

Indian Head River Trail Enhancements Continue Thanks to the Efforts of Many

Following centuries of changes along the Indian Head River, the towns of Pembroke, Hanson and Hanover work together with Wildlands Trust to improve the surrounding trail system with a MassTrails Program grant.

Willow Brook Updates Begin


Wildlands stewardship staff, with the help of volunteers, begin improvements at Willow Brook Preserve in Pembroke last month. New split-rail fencing was installed in the parking lot, creating a clear outline of the lot and protecting the surrounding vegetation from vehicles and foot traffic. Funded by a grant through the Recreational Trails Program, the scheduled work will both improve the visitor experience at the preserve and the various habitats throughout the property.

Volunteers also spent time at Wildlands’ headquarters building 10 blue-bird boxes, which will be installed in the coming months in the fields at the 167 acre former dairy farm. Benches and bog boards will also be built and installed along the trail system. The bog boards will lift visitors up off of the more well-used portions of trail, allowing for the restoration of eroded sections and protecting the surrounding habitat.

Also keep an eye out for new educational signage along the trails which will provide information on different plants and animals found on the property. Visitors and groups will be able to lead self-guided nature lessons and have the chance to see the plants and animals while they read about them.

Together with the adjacent Herring Run Historical Park and Misty Meadows Conservation Area, these three contiguous properties comprise nearly 400 acres of public conservation land and provide habitat for a number of plants and animals. The beauty of this preserve makes it a popular spot to visit on the South Shore. We greatly appreciate the dedicated volunteers who have been helping us complete these projects and we are excited for visitors of the preserve to benefit from these improvements in the coming months.