Help Us Raise the Roof!

Early this coming November the doors to our Community Conservation Barn will open in celebration! This new building, which replaces the original family barn at Davis-Douglas Farm, is so close to completion, but to finish we need your help! In our final phase of fundraising, your donation will help “Raise the Roof” with 6,000 board feet of local pine for the ceiling of the Conservation Barn. 

Our vision is for the Conservation Barn to be a venue for community engagement and environmental learning at Davis-Douglas Farm. Public programs, events, lectures, and meetings at the barn will aid in our mission to connect people to nature, inspiring broader support for land protection. We are most grateful to the community for supporting this important addition to Wildlands Trust’s new home.

While all donations are greatly appreciated, when you contribute $200 or more, you will be invited to our “Raise the Roof” Celebration on November 5, 2016! This level of support makes you a “Roof-Raiser”, and you will be recognized on the donor banner that will hang from the rafters of the finished barn. You can give online or respond to a mailing you may have received asking for your support.

We only have a short way to go before we have completed the restoration of the Davis-Douglas Farm property on Long Pond Road.  The beautiful land has been saved, the antique farm house restored, wildlife gardens planted, the iconic water tower has been restored, and the office is bustling! Come for a visit anytime!


Please contact Sue Chamberlain at 774-343-5121 ext 101 or if you have any questions about the project or if you did not receive a mailing and would like one.