Wildlands staff and volunteers work through a staged medical emergency scenario during the wilderness first aid class.
Wildlands staff and program volunteers recently had the opportunity to learn basic CPR/first aid and wilderness first aid from Dan Badger of Badger Wilderness Guides, “an outdoor and experiential education and support service.”[1] Badger, a former US Army Ranger, is a certified instructor for various medical and rescue programs and agencies.[2]
The basic CPR/first aid class trained participants in emergency and non-emergency medical situations that may occur in any setting. Those who completed the basic CPR/first aid class were then eligible to attend the wilderness first aid class. Held over the course of two-days, participants worked together through hands-on training scenarios to prepare them to provide effective first aid treatments for injuries and illnesses common in the outdoors.
With summer fast approaching and outdoor programs like The Big Ramble and OkTRAILberfest coming up, our staff and volunteers are ready to lead events that are both enjoyable and safe for all attending.
For more information on our upcoming programs, visit: wildlandstrust.org/events
[1] http://badgerwildernessguides.org/
[2] http://badgerwildernessguides.org/dan-badger/