Wildlands Starts the New Year with a Return to Remote Activities

By Amy Markarian, Senior Copywriter

The start of a new calendar year provides an opportunity for us to reflect on the previous year's successes and challenges, and look ahead with hope to new goals and plans for the year to come. As we reported in our Fall/Winter 2021 Newsletter, Wildlands Trust ended 2021 with much excitement about the addition of our new staff members, and we had optimistically begun a post-Covid return to in-person programming.

However, if there's one thing we've learned in the last two years, it is that thriving under challenging circumstances requires both an ability to adapt and a willingness to change! This month, in response to the surge in Covid-19 cases in Southeastern Massachusetts, Wildlands Trust made the decision to, once again, reduce our in-person interactions until it is safer for the members of our community to be together.

At this time, Wildlands' staff members are working in a hybrid model, utilizing both remote work and scheduled time in the office as needed, and our board meetings are being conducted remotely until further notice. Additionally, all indoor programming has been canceled or moved outdoors. In order to keep our community connected and our members active throughout another challenging winter, Wildlands' programming team is working hard to increase outdoor and virtual program options. Please be sure to check our website and social media pages regularly to stay up-to-date with the latest information about upcoming events!

We've done this before, and we can do it again! Wildlands Trust is committed to weathering the world's changing circumstances with you, and we will (again) look forward to seeing each other in-person soon!