Writing the Land

Poet Tzynya Pinchback: Writing the Land at D.W. Field Park

In the video above, meet Plymouth-based poet Tzynya Pinchback! This year, Tzynya is partnering with Wildlands Trust to spotlight the beauty of D.W. Field Park in Brockton.

Writing the Land is a collaborative outreach and fundraising project that partners with nonprofit environmental organizations to coordinate the “adoption” of conserved lands for poets. Each poet is paired with a land usually for about a year, and they visit the location to create work inspired by place. Learn more at writingtheland.org.

Tzynya Pinchback is a poet, essayist, and author of the poetry chapbook “How to Make Pink Confetti” (Dancing Girl Press, 2012). Her recent work centers on the Black woman body in nature and in joy as an act of resistance and appears in Deaf Poets Society, Mom Egg Review, Naugatuck River Review, Raising Mothers, and is broadcasted on WOMR’s Poets Corner. She was a finalist for 2020 Poet Laureate of Plymouth, Massachusetts, and 2020 writer-in-residence for the Cordial Eye Gallery & Artist Space. Tzynya is a Los Angeles native who is surviving cancer and New England winters in Plymouth, MA.

Stay tuned for opportunities to engage in Tzynya’s work!