
Wildlands Pilots Volunteer Training Series

Programs at the Stewardship Training Center will prepare entry-level volunteers to contribute to local conservation.

A man bends over a stone path leading to a white house in the background. Superimposed on the house is text reading "Tier 1 Volunteer Training Series" below the Wildlands Trust 50th anniversary logo.

By Thomas Patti, Communications Coordinator

Volunteers donate their time, energy, knowledge, and skills to conservation initiatives across the state. Investing in their generosity is one of the most efficient and effective ways to invest in our natural and scenic lands. Who will lend these helping hands a helping hand? 

Wildlands Trust’s Stewardship Training Center aims to do just that—equip volunteers with the confidence and know-how they need to care for the conservation lands they cherish, and then connect them with opportunities to put those skills to work. 

Last July, Wildlands convened a focus group of 12 municipal conservation professionals to assess training needs for local volunteers. The consensus was clear: volunteers bring a wide range of skill sets to land stewardship projects. Developing a standardized training program would not only build cities and towns’ stewardship capacity, but also help them evaluate that capacity and plan projects accordingly.  

“Over a quarter of Massachusetts is protected conservation land, and we need to grow our capacity to care for it,” said Wildlands President Karen Grey. “A corps of committed volunteers can play a significant role, which is why we’re offering programming at the Stewardship Training Center to create a critical mass of trained volunteers to help municipalities and land trusts steward their properties.” 

Enter Wildlands’ Tier 1 Volunteer Training Series, a pilot program this winter and spring at the Stewardship Training Center. After completing four two-hour modules, volunteers will return to the trails with proficiency in core stewardship areas: 

Except for Basic First Aid & CPR, these programs are free to all current and prospective volunteers. No experience is required. Volunteers are strongly encouraged to attend all four modules and receive Tier 1 certification, detailing the skills they learned from experienced Wildlands staff and partners. Wildlands will offer these modules again in the future. 

"There is a significant community of enthusiastic volunteers just waiting for us to bring them in on advancing local and regional land conservation,” said Wildlands volunteer Rob MacDonald, who played a key role in the conception of these programs. “The Tier 1 Training Series will help connect this base to towns, cities, and nonprofits that need their help.” 

All current and interested land stewardship volunteers are welcome. In addition to skill-building, these sessions will offer an avenue for physical activity, scaled to individual ability. They will also introduce trainees to a tight-knit community of like-minded peers and to new ways to get involved with local conservation efforts. 

To learn more about the Tier 1 Volunteer Training Series and other opportunities at the Stewardship Training Center, visit or contact Stewardship Programs Manager Zoë Smiarowski at

VolunTuesdays Build Wildlands’ Stewardship Community

Volunteer trail work day at North Fork Preserve in Bridgewater.

Editor’s Note: Due to inclement weather, our January VolunTuesday projects have been pushed back by one week. The dates below have been updated to reflect this change.

By Thomas Patti, Communications Coordinator

On December 5, the United Nations recognized its 38th annual International Volunteer Day. Also on December 5, Wildlands Trust embarked on a volunteer initiative of its own. But whereas the UN grants volunteerism a day of the year, we’re giving it a day of the week. 

This fall and winter, the power of volunteerism was on full display when dozens of local nature appreciators joined Wildlands staff for a trail-building project at North Fork Preserve in Bridgewater. As those Tuesday work days (temporarily) drew to a close, we couldn’t help but wonder: why can’t every Tuesday be as volunteer-ific as these? 

“We were so humbled by the turnout and enthusiasm of our friends and neighbors at North Fork,” said Stewardship Programs Manager Zoë Smiarowski. “We realized there was a lot of momentum and energy behind these weekly opportunities and wanted to continue convening our community beyond this project.” 

Volunteer gardening day on December 12, 2023, at Davis-Douglas Farm in Plymouth.

Enter VolunTuesdays, Wildlands’ new series of weekly volunteer projects intended to boost our land stewardship efforts and, even more importantly, build a community of natural guardians throughout Southeastern Massachusetts. Occurring every Tuesday from 10 am to 1 pm at a different Wildlands preserve, VolunTuesdays train volunteers in trail-building, gardening, amenity repairs, and more—all while leaving plenty of time before and after the hard work to share stories and laughs over coffee and snacks. 

Fittingly, our first two efforts to germinate the seed of a weekly volunteer day took place in the garden. On December 5, our first official VolunTuesday saw pioneering volunteers help Wildlands staff restore the garden at Great River Preserve in Bridgewater. The following week, volunteers joined us at Davis-Douglas Farm in Plymouth to get the Community Garden ready for winter.  

“Our VolunTuesday projects have been a huge success so far,” Zoë added. “Already, volunteers have made a real impact on our stewardship capacity. But beyond that practical value, building relationships between our organization, the communities we serve, and their natural resources promotes the reciprocity that land stewardship depends on. We hope these opportunities continue to engage our communities for the benefit of our region.” 

Volunteer gardening day on December 12, 2023, at Davis-Douglas Farm in Plymouth.

Designed to be flexible, hassle-free, and welcoming to all, VolunTuesdays are drop-in style, meaning volunteers can come and go as they please within the timeframe of the program. No registration or experience is required—just bring work- and weather-appropriate clothing and a can-do attitude! 

After a short break caused by inclement weather and the holiday season, VolunTuesdays are back! Join us on Tuesday, January 23, at Great Neck Preserve in Wareham to re-route a section of trail. On January 30, help us repair the boardwalk at Willow Brook Farm in Pembroke.  Stay up to date on the latest volunteer opportunities at

To our volunteers: thank you for the time, knowledge, dedication, and joy you bring to Wildlands. See you on Tuesday! 

Volunteer Trail Work day at North Fork Preserve in Bridgewater.

If a Tree Falls: Wildlands' Storm Damage Response

By Thomas Patti, Communications Coordinator

Stewardship Programs Manager Zoë Smiarowski removes a fallen tree at Delano Memorial Forest in Rochester.

If a tree falls in a storm, does it make a sound? 

If that tree crosses a Wildlands trail, then yes. If not heard directly, the crack and boom of the tree’s descent will reverberate along a systematic chain of communication between Wildlands’ stewardship staff and volunteers, ensuring its prompt removal for the safety and convenience of preserve visitors. 

While many fret over the risks that high winds pose to their homes and property, few may consider how their favorite woodland trail remains timber-free, storm after storm. But at Wildlands, every severe storm is an all-hands-on-deck event that relies on the generosity and dedication of volunteers in the communities we serve. 

Tree work at Stewart/Person Preserve in Kingston.

When a potentially destructive storm enters the forecast, one of our stewardship team’s first orders of business is to enlist our trusty reserve of Adopt-a-Preserve (AAP) volunteers. In times of climatic peace, these brave individuals make monthly visits to Wildlands preserves, reporting any signs of disturbance to our staff. But when a powerful storm brews, their reports become even more critical.  

“We have far fewer land stewards on staff than we have preserves that need attention after a storm,” said Owen Grey, Wildlands’ Stewardship Operations Manager. “Our AAP volunteers help fill that gap.” 

By documenting the severity of storm damage at a given property, AAP volunteers help Wildlands prioritize the places that need the most immediate response. For safety’s sake, a tree hanging precariously over a trail warrants faster attention than a tree resting on the ground. More frequently visited preserves claim priority over less visited ones. Preserves with a history of significant storm damage also receive early consideration. It’s tree triage. 

Wildlands stewardship staff cuts down an overhanging tree at Willow Brook Farm in Pembroke.

There are certain steps an AAP volunteer can take to maximize their contribution to this mission. Photos help Wildlands staff visualize the extent of storm damage. Pairing these photos with exact locations helps our stewards respond and move on to the next property as quickly as possible. (Volunteers can geo-reference their photos by taking a screenshot of their location on Avenza, a free mobile app that tracks visitors’ routes on Wildlands trails.) Volunteers should not chainsaw or take on other dangerous tasks on their own—not only is this unsafe, but it violates Wildlands policy and often costs our stewardship team extra time in the field. 

When it’s time for the Wildlands stewardship staff to respond to storm damage, preparation is key. Plans are written. Routes are mapped. Equipment is tested and fueled. At least two, but often more, stewards attend each site visit.  

Stewardship Programs Manager Zoë Smiarowski removes a fallen tree at Striar Conservancy in Halifax.

As a result, these efforts take time. Under perfect conditions, Wildlands can respond to about four properties per day. Therefore, we appreciate visitors’ patience in the days and weeks following a major storm. Please know that we are responding to our preserves as efficiently as we can while ensuring the safety of our staff and visitors.

To our Adopt-a-Preserve volunteers: thank you for your dedication to our work. Your contributions are essential to our mission of safeguarding the special places of Southeastern Massachusetts! 

Interested in joining our ranks? Several Wildlands properties are in need of monthly monitors, including Crystal Spring Preserve in Plainville. Adopt a Preserve today at 

A Volunteer's Reflection on 2023

Ann rakes the new trail at North Fork Preserve in Bridgewater.

By Ann Chadwick-Dias

On the last day of 2023, I arose from bed in eager anticipation of a morning group hike around Halfway Pond in Plymouth led by Malcolm MacGregor, fondly known as the "Trail Guy" of Wildlands Trust. The Halfway Pond trail loop, jointly protected by Wildlands and the Massachusetts Department of Fish & Game, has always been one of my favorite hikes in Plymouth. I try to do this hike at least once a month with my ex-husband, Steve.

So, I spent my morning bidding farewell to 2023, doing my favorite hike with my favorite conservation group along with an awesome group of like-minded hikers on what happened to be an absolutely beautiful day.

Last Day Hike with Malcolm on December 31, 2023, at Halfway Pond Conservation Area in Plymouth. (Ann is hiding behind the woman in the turquoise fleece!)

Fittingly, I spent the first day of 2023 hiking Tucker Preserve in Pembroke, which is another lovely property protected and maintained by Wildlands Trust. Did you know that recent research shows that spending time in nature combats depression and anxiety? Attending group hikes (and otherwise recreating outdoors) is crucial for my physical and mental health, and a perfect way to usher in or out a new year. It's also a great way to spend all those days in between. It is my year-round way of life—to hike, run, bike, and spend as much time as I can outside. 

Wildlands offers me countless opportunities to engage my passions in conservation and recreation. The staff at Wildlands Trust is a small yet amazing group of intelligent, motivated, educated, and truly kind people who continually push their organization to improve and expand. They now protect properties in 55 Southeastern Massachusetts communities! 

In addition to attending hikes and other programs, Steve and I volunteer for Wildlands, assisting the stewardship staff with various trail work and maintenance tasks. Through their regular volunteer events, we get great exercise and enjoy plenty of laughs and camaraderie. Wildlands is a lively and fun group. I feel truly accomplished when I work on a new preserve from start to finish. 

Hike with Malcolm on May 7, 2023, at Myles Standish State Forest in Plymouth. (Ann is second from the left in the front row!)

At every volunteer outing, the Wildlands stewardship crew stresses that they only want us to do whatever work we're comfortable doing for as long as we're comfortable doing it. They are always truly appreciative of our help. Their appreciation often catches me off guard because I feel like I should be thanking them for giving me a healthy way to engage in the protection of our natural resources. 

I recently turned 60. At my age, you find yourself in conversations about what your legacy will be after you no longer walk this planet. For many, "legacy" often equates to financial or real estate assets. But to me, the work I do with Wildlands is the legacy I feel most invested in and proud of. I like to imagine my children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren walking these trails and thinking, "My (grand)mother helped to build and maintain these trails. She spent many hours walking and enjoying these lovely paths and vistas." My optimistic self likes to believe that people will enjoy and benefit from these trails for hundreds of years. What better legacy could one dream of leaving behind? 

Volunteer appreciation lunch & hike on December 9, 2023, at the Stewardship Training Center in Plymouth. (Ann is crouching in the middle!)

I should add that any involvement you choose with Wildlands Trust is likely to be multi-generational. While retirees might have the most time to offer, the Wildlands team is what I would call young, and many participants use their employer’s or school’s allotted volunteer time to spend the day advancing a cause they care about. Wildlands also engages students directly through year-round service-learning programs, fostering a whole new generation of environmentalists committed to preserving this beautiful planet! 

Lastly, Wildlands makes it possible for me to continually learn new things. I learn something new during every hike and project I do with them, since their staff offers expertise in various environmental fields. This year, I got CPR and basic first aid certified through a program they offered. I've attended talks and training sessions on invasive plant species, regional rewilding projects, fireflies, and more. My involvement with Wildlands even inspired me to seek appointment to Carver’s Conservation Commission, which I am currently serving. 

Now, back to the Last Day Hike with Malcolm. It felt good ending my year the same way I started it—outdoors, with a lovely group of nature appreciators. I stood up on the Big Point lookout (an awesome vista) and reflected on my 2023—a year of joy, fulfillment, and constant learning. 

Volunteer trail work day at North Fork Preserve in Bridgewater. (Ann is fourth from the right in the back row!)

So, if you want to be happier, healthier, and more productive, self-aware, and informed, I strongly recommend getting involved with Wildlands. While a financial contribution is certainly helpful, I think you have even more to gain by hiking or volunteering with them in the very spaces they work to protect. 

An environmentalist I truly admire is John Muir, the founder of the Sierra Club. If you become a member of Wildlands, you will surely realize his life advice: “Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” 

I have taken more dirt paths than I will ever be able to count, in large part thanks to Wildlands Trust. In doing so, I feel happier, healthier, and more connected to nature and my community. I have made lasting and meaningful friendships and left a small but significant legacy that I hope others will enjoy well after I am no longer here. But, while I AM still here, if you decide to get involved with Wildlands, I hope to see you along one of those dirt paths one day. I promise that we will both leave that trail better for it. Happy 2024!

Ann Chadwick-Dias

Want to get involved? Visit our Events page for hikes, presentations, and more, and our Volunteer page for opportunities to lend a helping hand! 

Wildlands Hosts Volunteer Appreciation Lunch

By Max Phelps, Programming Coordinator

At Wildlands Trust, volunteers are integral to the work we do. We always appreciate our volunteers, but sometimes we must put sandwiches and cookies where our mouths are; our volunteers deserve no less.  

On December 9, Wildlands hosted an appreciation lunch for our Adopt-A-Preserve (AAP) and hike leader volunteers at the Stewardship Training Center. Volunteers gathered in our holiday-decorated home beside a (virtual) fire to see old friends and meet new ones.  

Our Adopt-A-Preserve program is an incredibly helpful and simple way for people to volunteer with Wildlands, but it can be somewhat solitary, so it’s important to build community through social gatherings. Most of our hike leaders started as AAP volunteers, so it was great to bring both groups together. After sitting down to a meal of sandwiches, soup, and salad, volunteers shared how they first got involved with Wildlands Trust. Stories ranged from running into staff members on the trails to posting photos of downed trees on Instagram to feeling a debt of gratitude after our preserves became a safe haven during the pandemic. Our longest-tenured volunteer has been working with us since 1999. Regardless of how or when their stories began, all our volunteers expressed a love for the work they do and an appreciation for what Wildlands does for the community and natural world.  

Zoë, our Stewardship Programs Manager, and I shared exciting volunteer numbers from 2023, including 120 miles hiked during Wildlands programs and 8,300 acres monitored by Adopt-A-Preserve volunteers. Afterwards, many attendees joined us for a three-mile hike at Halfway Pond Conservation Area along Leona’s and Gramp’s Loops, trails that our volunteers helped build. After an especially busy summer and fall at Wildlands, it was great to take the time to relax with our volunteers and express our gratitude for the time, knowledge, and hard work they donate to Wildlands. 

Thank you to all our volunteers! If you’d like to contribute your gifts to the Wildlands mission, explore our volunteer opportunities at or contact Zoë Smiarowski at