Human History of Wildlands: Halfway Pond Conservation Area

By Skip Stuck, Key Volunteer

We have all played with jigsaw puzzles at one time or another. We select one based on a picture on the box that displays what the puzzle should look like when complete. Opening the box, we see pieces of color that bear no resemblance to the finished product. The work is in their reassembly. In many ways, land preservation is like a jigsaw puzzle—identifying and assembling small, seemingly unrelated pieces until they reveal a larger, cohesive picture. This is especially true in areas as long occupied as Plymouth, Massachusetts. 

Until about 12,000 years ago, this land was covered by a glacier, up to a mile thick. Over the next 2,000 years, the climate warmed and ice retreated, creating a land surface composed of rocks, gravel, and sand that had been carried in the glacier. This "outwash" plain created the topography we see throughout Southeast Massachusetts, Cape Cod, and the Islands, featuring rocky hills and kettle ponds formed by huge pieces of melting ice. One of these kettle ponds, Halfway Pond, lies amid a concentration of such ponds in Plymouth, known collectively as the Six Ponds. The others include Bloody Pond, Little Long Pond, Long Pond, Gallows Pond, and Round Pond.

Early human history 

Native peoples soon followed the retreating ice and utilized these new forests, ponds, and rivers to supply their food and shelter needs. For thousands of years, they and their cultures flourished. Especially important were the spring runs of blueback herring and alewives from the Agawam River, which outflows from Halfway Pond, and the Manomet (or Monument) River, which flowed from Herring Pond. These people, forebears of the Wampanoag Tribe who occupied the area at the time of European settlement (and still today; see Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe), have been identified in historical documents by many names: the Patuxet, Comassakumkanit, Manomet and Pondville Indians. In fact, Halfway Pond got its name because it was halfway between the Dutch and Indian trading posts at Aptuxet (now Bourne, MA) to the south and the original Plymouth English settlement to the north. A trail known as the Indian Path or the Herring Way was a well-used route from Herring Pond to Halfway Pond. 

While the geography suited the Indigenous people’s lifestyle of hunting, gathering, fishing, and subsistence farming, the English were slow to move out of the original colony at Plymouth Harbor. The earliest mentioned settlement at Halfway Pond is that of Nicholas Snow, who in 1637 was appointed to repair and manage a fish weir on the Agawam. Others followed, but not immediately in great numbers. 

Above: The Old Douglas Homestead. In Plymouth’s Ninth Great Lot and the Six Ponds, 1710-1967, A Chronicle. “John Douglas was born in Middleboro in 1752 and married Lydia Southworth. He became a schoolteacher in 1786 and moved to Plymouth and settled in the neighborhood known as Halfway Pond. He bought the sawmill from Belcher Manter, Morton and Jonathan Wing for $750. … He built a house on the Agawam which became ‘the old homestead’ to many generations of the Douglas family until it was destroyed by the hurricane of 1938” (10). For much of the 20th century, descendants of the Douglas family lived and worked on Davis-Douglas Farm, which they sold to Wildlands Trust for our headquarters in 2012.

Cutting the puzzle pieces

When the Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth, the lands of the new colony were controlled by a group of English investors known as the Adventurers, who funded the initial colony. When their contract ran out, a new patent was granted to Governor William Bradford in 1629, giving the colony freedom to divide and sell their lands. By 1710, about 30,000 acres of land claimed by the colony was still undivided. These lands were cut up into the 10 "Great Lots." Halfway Pond and the five other aforementioned ponds lay at the center of the Ninth Great Lot. In 1713, a meeting was held that created 18 divisions of the Ninth Lot. Those granted land abutting Halfway Pond included John Harlow, Jonathan Snow, John Churchill, Nathaniel Thomas, Jabez Shurtleff, and Deacon Thomas Clark. There is no record—and it is highly doubtful—that any members of the Wampanoag Tribe were consulted in this matter. 

At this point, English settlement of the area accelerated. The Halfway herring run provided an increasingly important resource for food, fertilizer, and trade. Sawmills and stave mills appeared on the Agawam River, including one built in 1781 owned by Belcher Manter and another built in 1847 owned by Thomas Pierce. In 1786, as the settlement known as Halfway Village on the pond's southwest side grew, John Douglas established a grammar school, at one time serving as many as 50 students.  

By the mid-19th century, general family farming in the area began to shift toward cranberry growing. The ample water, flat lands around Halfway Pond, and availability of sand were quite agreeable to this new agricultural pursuit. As often happens, the success of the small farmers attracted investors. By the 1890s, LeBaron Russell Briggs and his brother-in-law, George Gardner Barker, had purchased most of the land surrounding Halfway Pond. George Barker soon built the family homestead, Wyanoke, on the pond. His son LeBaron Barker was a very successful grower, reputed to be the largest independent cranberry grower in America by the turn of the century. He built his mansion on a hill adjacent to the pond. For the next 80 years, all of the lands surrounding Halfway Pond remained in private hands, as cranberry bogs or increasingly as forested land. 

Assembling the puzzle 

Red pines on Gramp’s Loop in Halfway Pond Conservation Area. Red pine stands were planted extensively across New England between 1930 and 1960 as a timber alternative to white pines, which are susceptible to insect and fungal pests. Now, many red pines are dying due to red pine scale and pine bark beetles.

With the protection of the adjacent Myles Standish State Forest in 1916 (with improvements by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s), a vision emerged of what Halfway Pond could become if the separate holdings could be protected and united. It would take time and strategic collaborations, but the fledgling Plymouth County Wildlands Trust and its board believed it could be accomplished. In 1982, the family of LeBaron Briggs donated, with assistance from the Nature Conservancy, 242 acres called the West Shore. On the pond's east side, the Briggs family also gifted 56 acres at Gallows Pond in 1982. In 1986, Irene and Saul Taylor gifted an additional 61 acres abutting the West Shore. In 1987, the Conant family gifted 27 acres to string together more of the eastern shore. In 1998, the Nature Conservancy donated land on the east side of Halfway Pond that today encompasses the Big Point section of the property. From 1999 to 2022, a series of land purchases bolstered the protection of Halfway Pond’s western shore, including the former estate of LeBaron Barker, now the site of the Stewardship Training Center.  

Wildlands could not have done it alone. MassWildlife proved to be an important partner, purchasing and protecting much of the eastern and southern shoreline. In addition to the Nature Conservancy's support in the acquisition of the West Shore property, it also owns and protects Halfway Island, home of rare old-growth forest. Finally, the AD Makepeace Company, the area's largest cranberry grower, agreed to take three of its bogs adjacent to Halfway Pond out of production, ending the danger of fertilizers and pesticides entering the pond. 

All of the puzzle pieces fit into place, and the result has been the protection of 85 percent of Halfway Pond's shoreline, including over 500 acres of adjacent buffer land that now make up Halfway Pond Conservation Area. The Conservation Area, together with Myles Standish State Forest and additional protected lands, now represents the largest contiguous open space assemblage in Eastern Massachusetts. The project took over 40 years. But important things take time. 

Learn More 

Please visit Wildlands Trust’s online property description of Halfway Pond Conservation Area at—or better yet, visit its many trails yourself. 

In addition, see the following resources that were used to prepare this history. 

  • Plymouth's Ninth Great Lot and the Six Ponds, 1710 -1967, A Chronicle by Ruth Gardner Steinway. 

  • The North and South Rivers Watershed Association website: 

I also wish to thank Scott MacFaden, Wildlands’ Director of Land Protection, and Thomas Patti, Wildlands’ Communications Coordinator, for their assistance and feedback. 

If you or someone you know has information about Halfway Pond’s history, we would love to hear from you! Share your insight (and/or photos!) with Communications Coordinator Thomas Patti at

Support the Brockton High Envirothon Team


UPDATE: Thanks to the generosity of the Brockton and Wildlands communities, our Giving Tuesday campaign met its goal, raising $3,000 for this year’s Brockton High Envirothon Team!

The funds will help Brockton High School students find and follow their passion for the environment through weekly meetings and field trips, including to the Massachusetts Envirothon in May.

“We are looking forward to having new materials in the classroom to engage our students in hands-on learning and exploration,” said Wildlands Programming Coordinator Amy Burt, who co-coaches Brockton High Envirothon with environmental educators at Manomet Conservation Sciences. “Our students’ access to the natural world will be enhanced and expanded due to your support. Thank you!“

Thank you to all who donated! Learn more about our campaign below, and about Brockton High Envirothon at


By Thomas Patti, Communications Coordinator

Wildlands Trust believes that the natural health and beauty of Southeastern Massachusetts can only persist with an educated and empowered youth. For 10 years, Wildlands has coached and sponsored the Brockton High School Envirothon Team to prepare the next generation of local conservation champions. We need your help so this program can continue to advance environmental awareness, leadership, equity, and resilience in our region’s largest and most diverse city.

Since 2015, in collaboration with the Brockton High School science department and environmental educators at Manomet, Wildlands has trained dedicated cohorts of Brockton students for the Massachusetts Envirothon, an annual statewide competition "emphasizing hands-on, team-oriented problem solving and community involvement that prepares young people for environmental careers and active citizenship.” The Brockton High School Envirothon Team has delivered impressive performances over the years, including fifth place overall in 2015, first place in the Current Issue category in 2018, and the Community Research Award in 2022. 

> Donate to support Brockton High Envirothon here.

The Envirothon Team meets weekly after school to build knowledge and skills assessed during the spring competition’s “ecostations” in forest, soils, wildlife, and water. Additionally, the team completes and presents a community action project around a Current Issue, which this year is “Forest Stewardship: Resilience for a Changing Climate.”

This year’s Brockton High Envirothon Team studies a water sample from a local pond.

In total, the Brockton High School Envirothon Team has engaged well over 100 students in natural resource education and community service. Many have continued in the conservation field through college and beyond. 


Don’t believe us about the real-world impact of Brockton High Envirothon and our other youth programs? Take it from the kids themselves, many of whom have gone on to pursue studies and careers in the conservation field.

Nicole Mejia participated in both the Brockton High School Envirothon Team and the Brockton Green Team, Wildlands’ summer service-learning program, from 2016 to 2018. Now, Nicole is earning her PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University, where she studies developmental factors of birds’ response to climate change. She credits Envirothon and Green Team as formative experiences in her personal, academic, and professional journey.  

“The time I spent on the Envirothon Team was life-changing,” Nicole said. “Getting to interact with state scientists, learn new things about the Brockton community, and have a group of peers who cared as much about the environment as I did were some of my favorite parts. It is such an important program for students coming from Brockton, who may not have access to the outdoors but do feel that passion for conservation and nature.”

Alyce Watts participated in Envirothon from 2018 to 2022 and Green Team in 2019. She joined Envirothon “to learn about aspects of the environment that I was really interested in, but otherwise wouldn't have learned.” Alyce is now a sophomore at Colorado College, where she studies Organismal Biology & Ecology.

“The skills I gained in Envirothon have been priceless for how I've developed as a student since graduating Brockton High,” Alyce said. “The confidence I have in my ability to take a leadership role as well as in presenting work that I have done are heavily attributed to the work we did in Envirothon. My experiences in Envirothon encouraged me to be more ambitious in the goals I have set for my future, as it opened my eyes to career options I didn't know existed prior to my time in the club.”

A young woman smiles for the camera.

Lily Green, Science Educator at Manomet Conservation Sciences, may know better than anyone the importance of Brockton High Envirothon. As a participant in 2014-15 and a coach since 2023, Lily has experienced the program’s benefits from multiple perspectives.

“As a student, Envirothon strengthened my interest I started to have from the regular school curriculum and gave me time to dive deeper into different aspects of sustainability,” Lily said. “The rigorous school day curriculum is tight, so it’s great to give new generations of Brockton youth a real-world experience and a chance to make an impact.”


Support the Brockton High School Envirothon Team so more students can find and pursue their passion for the environment—and in turn, defend the natural resources that uplift our communities. The program’s expenses are modest, including weekly snacks, teaching materials, and field trips, but its impact is large, shaping the next generation of conservation leaders in Southeastern Massachusetts and beyond. Learn more & donate here.

Land Protection Course Prepares Next Generation of Conservation Doers

Zoë Smiarowski (far left) and her team went on a field trip to the Chiltonville village of Plymouth during the land protection course’s retreat weekend at the Stewardship Training Center.

By Zoë Smiarowski, Stewardship Programs Manager 

In the winter of 2022, while dreaming up ways that Wildlands Trust’s new Stewardship Training Center (STC) could support Massachusetts’ conservation community, the STC Advisory Committee agreed on the incredible need to develop our next generation of land protection professionals—the ones who strategize, communicate, and execute opportunities to save natural and agricultural lands from development. One committee member, Dr. Paul Catanzaro, had taught land protection classes at UMass Amherst, but there was motivation from these discussions to create a course for both students and professionals.  

“One of the greatest gaps our STC advisors identified was the very limited opportunities for people to learn the practical nuts and bolts of land conservation transactions,” said Wildlands President Karen Grey. “How could we feed the pipeline of land protection professionals without more training and education opportunities?” 

With this seed of an idea planted, conservation community partners came together to help it grow. Sponsored by UMass Extension, the Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition, and Mass Audubon, with support from the Trustees of Reservations, MA DCR’s Working Forest Initiative, and Wildlands Trust, “Land Protection Tools & Techniques” was a 10-session course co-taught by Christa Collins (formerly of Sudbury Valley Trustees) and Olivia Lukacic (of the Trustees of Reservations) over the fall of 2024. Admitted through a competitive application process, the 22 course participants included municipal employees, land trust stewardship professionals, environmental science college students, and more. Lessons addressed core land protection skills, including Landowner Outreach & Relationships, Project Selection, Partnerships, Transactions, Due Diligence, and Finance.  

Field trip during the land protection course’s retreat weekend, attended by Wildlands Land Protection Assistant Tess Goldmann (second from right) and Director of Land Protection Scott MacFaden (far right).

At the end of the semester, the class convened at the STC for a weekend-long retreat. Students networked with each other and practicum leaders, including Rob Warren, formerly of the Trustees of Reservations, and our very own Karen Grey. To gain hands-on experience after weeks of virtual training, students went on field trips across Plymouth to meet landowners with whom Wildlands has worked on land protection projects. This was an incredible opportunity to learn by doing, which is how many in the land protection field have launched and advanced their careers.  

As a student in the course, I relished the opportunity to learn how land gets protected in Massachusetts. As Wildlands’ Stewardship Programs Manager, I am fortunate to care for the diversity of conservation land in the Trust's portfolio. Entering my second year with Wildlands, I developed a curiosity about the many intricate steps it takes for valuable and vulnerable land to enter our stewardship. I was particularly interested in the people-centered aspect of land protection, as it mirrors my current job of connecting volunteers and professionals with land stewardship knowledge and skills. As I advance through my career, I am always looking for new ways to challenge myself and diversify my contributions to conservation goals, and this course was a great opportunity to do just that. 

Indeed, one of the most valuable things I learned in the class was the importance of people to the land protection process. Understanding landowners’ unique connections to place and building soft communication skills are critical parts of the equation. Even though we had spent weeks hearing and reading about foundational land protection knowledge, being “thrown out” into the world to meet face-to-face with landowners was an immense learning experience. 

Field trip during the land protection course’s retreat weekend.

Additionally, students had to complete a final project that addressed a personal learning goal in the land protection field. Wildlands’ Land Protection Assistant Tess Goldmann and I wanted experience in grant-writing, a crucial component of financing land protection projects. At the end of the retreat, students shared their projects with the class. I was highly impressed with my classmates’ work and left feeling grateful to have such a dedicated community of conservation-minded folks in my network. 

The Monday morning following the retreat, I was relaying my excitement to Wildlands board member and key volunteer Marilynn Atterbury about how incredible the class has been. My understanding and appreciation of land protection work has undergone a night-and-day transformation through this class. As my career progresses, I am grateful to have this foundational knowledge to advocate and help others understand the state’s abundance of land protection options. I have no doubt that this course will provide long-term support to the Massachusetts land conservation field. We are so fortunate to have incredible mentors, teachers, and students ready to take on any challenge to ensure a healthy, connected environment in their communities.  

Leadership Council Fall Supper: Chowder, Oysters, and Gratitude

Wildlands President Karen Grey addresses the Leadership Council at this year’s fall supper.

On October 26, members of Wildlands Trust’s Leadership Council gathered at Davis-Douglas Farm in Plymouth for our annual fall supper, where we thank those who provide higher-level donor support for our mission of regional land conservation. 

On the gorgeous fall evening, about 80 generous individuals were treated to clam chowder, fresh oysters, wine, assorted desserts, and, most importantly, the camaraderie and good cheer of Southeastern Massachusetts’ most ardent conservation supporters. Wildlands board member and key volunteer Marilynn Atterbury crafted flower arrangements and other stunning decorations for the event, turning the Community Conservation Barn into a cozy yet elegant autumnal venue. 

Wildlands key volunteer Marilynn Atterbury crafted flowers and other decorations for the event.

Before dinner, Wildlands Trust board chair Sam Chapin addressed the Leadership Council, expressing deep gratitude for their generosity while looking ahead to a promising future made possible by their support. 

“The annual Leadership Council dinner is a wonderful opportunity to thank our donors for their support,” Chapin said. “The oysters, chowder, and company were all great!  I was particularly pleased to speak with a number of new people at this year's event.” 

Wildlands board chair Sam Chapin delivers remarks to the Leadership Council.

Later in the evening, Wildlands President Karen Grey recognized members of the Leadership Council who made remarkable contributions to our mission this year. In true Wildlands fashion, she gifted these high-impact individuals with hammers, so they can carry on their hard work. 

The fall supper is one of two annual events that Wildlands Trust holds to honor the Leadership Council, the other being a preserve tour each spring. 

Karen Grey awards an honorary hammer at the Leadership Council fall supper.

We hope you will join this special community! To learn more, visit or contact Donor Relations Manager Sue Chamberlain at or 774-343-5121 x114. 

Spooky Stories from the Halloween Night Hike

Willow Brook Farm in Pembroke.

On Friday, October 25, courageous hikers from across Southeastern Massachusetts will descend on Striar Conservancy in Halifax for a Halloween Night Hike, Wildlands’ annual evening stroll brimming with frights and thrills (but mostly laughs, nature appreciation, and good company).

Click here to register—if you dare…

Below is a preview of the tales hike leaders Amy Burt and Paul Vicino will share on the hike. If you’re joining us, we recommend waiting until then to hear these stories in full fright-tastic effect! But if not, enjoy these spine-chilling tales, and feel free to pass them along to fellow fans of the macabre.

Happy Halloween from Wildlands Trust!


A Hair-Raising Hike in the Appalachians

By Amy Burt, Programming Coordinator

Every year, people embark on the Appalachian Trail and return safely, each with their own story to tell. There are those who have been less fortunate, either living to tell the tale, or leaving the living to solve the pieces. In the fall of 2003, a young woman (name redacted for privacy) left to explore only a portion of a trail in Western Massachusetts. She planned for a three-day, two-night hike and would take her loyal companion, a scruffy four-legged mutt. 

Her first day was successful. She arrived at her campsite and pitched her tent. Her dog warmed by the fire as she made them both dinner. When it was time for bed, the dog hopped in the tent and coiled itself under the blankets, and the young woman zipped the tent closed. It was a restless first night. She needed reassurance, and as always, her pup knew a little lick on the hand was all she needed to go back to sleep.

Day two had an early start when a couple passed her tent talking. She peeked out her tent and got a glimpse of the two. She felt they must be through-hiking—they looked really prepared. And with that thought, she began to pack up and hit the trail. Despite her restless night of sleep, she felt wide awake. The young woman and her dog had an excellent day, winding the trails, crossing bridges, and seeing the colors of fall. It was unfair that the sun would be setting soon, but if they hiked a bit farther, they would have a lean-to to sleep in. At that moment, it was decided that would be their place to rest.

They arrived at the lean-to and got to work. The dog sat beside the woman as she made them dinner. They ate and settled in for the night. This night, they both fell asleep quickly, with the crisp breeze filling the lean-to.

From a hard sleep she awoke, covered in sweat. Sitting up, she was startled by the view of an open forest until she remembered she was in the lean-to. She shuffled her hand under the blankets towards her dog, felt a sniff and a little lick, and instantly was relieved. She giggled—her dog, almost completely out of view, must have wrapped itself in the covers. 

Her ease was short-lived, as she soon heard something running in the woods. It sounded like it was running towards her, right towards the opening of the shelter. In an instant, she was up with her headlight on and pocketknife in hand. With a swift step out of the lean-to, she faced the running shadow as it approached. There was a realization of horror as out of the trees her dog came into view. He had blood on his muzzle and ran past his owner growling with his teeth bared. 

The woman did her best to recall the final moments of that night when questioned by police and paramedics. The forensics of the scene said it was rabbit blood on her dog and inside of the shelter, but she could not help but ask the question: what had licked her hand?


Horror in Local History

By Paul Vicino, Wildlands volunteer

Paul will share some of the violent history of Halifax and the region, including King Philip’s War, when a settler was killed just down the street from Striar Conservancy. A triple murder later occurred on the same road, by descents of the settlers…

He will also discuss the Bridgewater Triangle and invite others to share their uncanny experiences in this storied hotbed of paranormal activity.